Tuesday, January 23, 2007

L to the 1 to the lin (not Chinese) to the ess

Constant and sporadic...
Predominant and rampant are the chills...
A life a day in my shoe's without thrills...
Tears much to tragic...
Held back with cosmic force...
I face each day with hopes and fears...
I tire out my bones and gears...
I clear my mind without remorse...
But the memories return...
Like a picture from the attic...
Sitting there all static...
Once you take the dust to burn...
The pain remains for a while...
Until again the dust builds up...
These tears won't fill a cup...
There sitting back waiting for a smile...
One face so great is all it takes...
A soul of concordance is around the bend...
Just true love to transcend...
A world of beauty grander than a thousand lakes...

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