Thursday, July 1, 2010

C'est l'heure - KEFIR !!!

It's time,
here I go...

Ok so I have a kefir expirement underway...
I currently have the following
Milk Kefir - (Horizon Whole Milk - Organic however it IS UHT {ultra heat treated aka dead milk})
Converted grains to water kefir producing:
Apple Water Kefir (Sugar + Water 1st brew, and dried apple slices on 2nd brew) - I've sipped some it's very interesting ...
Thai Tea Kefir (Thai Tea + Sugar + Kefir grains 1st brew, Kefir grains removed for 2nd brew)
Finally I have a current brew of plain Sugar and water with the grains that begun this morning to see if I can reduce the staining from the thai tea, I'll add a flavor to this batch when it's in 2nd brew stage...
I am also converting additional grains currently in a (half milk + half water + sugar) batch {not to be consumed} once they have been in this mix for 24 hours I will remove and rinse gently with filtered water and add them to the other grains.

Water kefir does end up being cheaper I went through a half gallon of milk in 2 days...

And here is why ... my kefir grains are mutant... they grow at freakishly alarming rates... which means ... either they love me? or .. Horizon milk is full of bacteria that the kefir are thriving on ... They double in size every 2 days... NO JOKE.

I have eaten a palm full of kefir grains twice ... They just don't stop till they get enough ... and enough is never enough with these guys...

The conversion took place according to plan, and has produced CO2 and what I am detecting to be slight Alchy flavor... so that means it's working.

I have made all kinds of drinks, smoothies, and some secret recipe's from pancake's, to beef strogonoff... with my milk kefir.

It rules, and left alone on a milk farm... it would literally consume the cow whole... Kefir is very gentle squishy and cute... but I'm telling you it has a tough side... It has the ability to multiply and it does.. a lot... let a kefir grain roam free next to a cow ... I'm telling you the cow won't win.