Friday, June 22, 2007


So I happen to be in search of some type of inspiration for more material for my book I have the outline, but I am sometimes discouraged with adding bulk. I am not always the most verbose, most of the time I am very brief and to the point. Music indeed happens to be a great catalyst for me... so I'm listening to some ambient beats to chill my nerves.

1 comment:

Ms. Moraites said...

Writing doesn't just come to me. I have to be in exactly the right mood to make writing work. Otherwise, it is labor-intensive and not very thrilling. Unfortunately, the right mood is quite rare.

I find that music IS a wodnerful catalyist for the mind. I recommend some Vivaldi.. I think that usually does the trick for me. Something mellow and not too over the top.. like Beethoven can be :-)

Best of luck with your writing. Is it a book or is it a pre-disertation that you will publish later?