Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Grips of time

Why must I allow the pain of time passing by to get to me so? The issue of lost opportunity and not taking advantage of the time that we have been given is one of the saddest issues we have to deal with...

Nothing will wake me from this slumber
I see the horizon the end of me
It's in a picture of the sea
It haunts me and draws me near
I know that one day I'll walk onto the pier
For now I play on the boardwalk
While time sits back waiting for its knock
So much to do I grow blind to the limit of time
And my life simply becomes a constant rhyme
Replicating duplicating patterning and in a rut
Roaming around playing games and putt putt
I pray for the day where I seek the goal
Look back at just how much time stole

teh sprekin

In the realm of language and reality, and social formalities of speaking and writing in forms that are distinguishable and also in relation to academia, what is acceptable? Even more what is capable of being understood. Harvard has performed studies in relation to word recognition and while the following rdows aym tno eb stidngihbsaleui there is a chance you might understand what those words are... through context... However the following wrdos are idened cpalbae of bineg udnotsreod because they have been tested over a broad range of English readers and for some reason when any word is written while remaining the first and last letters we can read over the word just as quickly as otherwise based on our memory and knowledge of the language... This obviously means that we cannot write in this way to early learners. Just as we cannot use words such as prestidigitation with 2nd graders... A form of speech has evolved out of the gaming arena which is both fun and addictive to involve oneself in... WOOT also seen as W00T We Owned the Other Team... pwn is teh own ... teh is an emphatic of the... allowing such evolution of language will add to the dynamic qualities of understanding such things as emphases.... exchanging numbers where fitting is also a very fun and common practice among the game/Leet aka 1337 speakers... a comparison of letters in my opinion should appear as follows...

A = 4 ///////G = 0 , 6 , 9 ///M = 3 ///////S = 5 /////Y = 4 , 7
a = 6 ///////g = 9 /////////m = 3 ///////s = 5 //////y = 4 , 7
B = 8 ///////H = 11 , 8 /////N = 2 , 8 /////T = 7 /////Z = 2
b = 6 ///////h = 8 , 4 ///////n = 2 ////////t = 7 //////z = 2
C = 0 , 6 ////I = 1 //////////O = 0 ///////U = 0
c = 0 , 6 /////i = 1 //////////o = 0 ////////u = 0
D = 0 ///////J = 1 , 5 ///////P = 2 , 4 , 9 ///V = 11
d = 0 ///////j = 1 , 5 ////////p = 2 , 4 , 9 ///v = 11
E = 3 ///////K = 8 /////////Q = 02 ///////W = 3
e = 9 ////////k = 8 /////////q = 9 ////////w = 3
F = 4 , 7 /////L = 1 /////////R = 12 ///////X = 8
f = 1 , 4 , 7 ///l = 1 //////////r = 2 /////////x = 8